Club exclusiu



Entra al club

Descobreix espais diferents i amagats i gaudeix d'un sopar deliciós i bona companyia.

Una única taula parada per tots els convidats i llesta per servir un menú degustació de 13 plats.

Aquí és on podràs experimentar l’essència de Sense Coberts… On va començar tot!

Abans de sopar brindarem amb cava per trencar el gel i tenir la oportunitat de conèixer la resta de convidats.

Disfruta d’una experiència relaxada i plena de caliu on la gastronomia és tan important como cadascun dels convidats.

Envia’ns un email i t’explicarem com funciona

T’hi atreveixes?

Obrim cada dijous, divendres i dissabte a partir de les 20h


  • July 2015

    Last night's dinner was incredible. The artistry of our chef, with presentation, exploration, and description was amazing! The food tasted like a dream. Thank you to all of the other guests, for the conversation and many laughs. I will keep in touch. Thank you all for a fantastic journey!

    Mackenzie Vaughan
    Philadelphia, Pa - USA

  • May 2015

    The food was delicious! Varied, interesting, and well thought out. The people (both the hosts and guests) were a pleasure to be around. The location was incredible. I can't say enough good things about it all. We spent 11 days abroad, doing every fun or interesting thing that we could think of (and have time for and afford) and this was one of the clear highlights of the entire trip!

    Brett Hoffman
    San Francisco, CA - USA

  • October 2015

    Highly recommended Barcelona experience. The atmosphere is very warm and welcoming. The amount of alcohol around the table also contributes to the relaxed atmosphere...A unique opportunity to get to know people from all around the world, get introduced to unique aspects of the local cuisine (the food is really good), and to get some recommendations on things to do in the city from locals and other tourists. Much better than just another dinner in a restaurant!

    Anna Elgart
    Jerusalem, Israel

  • July 2014

    The night was amazing! First of all, you get to relax on the outside terrace the whole time, enjoying the beautiful weather and views of Barcelona. We started with some mingling between guests over traditional Spanish Cava. We then moved to a table set up outside, where the real magic began. Throughout the night we were brought various one or two bite foods, all very tasty. The wine choices we good as well, and they just kept bringing more bottles as we drank then! Overall, a night not to be missed!

    Vancouver, Canada

  • June 2013

    I will remember this dinner for the rest of my life!!!
    The rooftop was clean and nicely decorated and the hip music completed the perfect ambiance for a summertime rooftop dinner. Words will not do justice to describe the onslaught of appetizers and dishes that arrived at the table. All of this was beyond great but what made this night so memorable was the conversation and company which left us all feeling like we never wanted the night to end. I would highly recommend this experience. Thank you guys!

    Andrew Pham
    New York - USA